With the buildup before United Rentals Work United 500 already underway, today's NASCAR Cup Series race is set to play a crucial part in how the sport evaluates certain decisions taken by the governing body ahead of the 312-lap-long race.
Phoenix Raceway is set to host a series of small but significant tweaks to the highest echelon of stock car racing, with certain parts being removed off cars in order to promote a better racing product on the Avondale, Arizona track.
The first of these changes, and arguably the most important for this weekend, comes in the form of NASCAR's new low-downforce aero package, which will make its debut this afternoon, along with the removal of the windscreen wiper blades off the Cup Series cars.
The aero package aims to improve the overall racing spectacle on the track by making it easier for cars to follow each other, aiding drivers in making more overtakes and minimizing the past lack of overtakes at Phoenix.
With the track being situated in an arid desert climate, the chances of rainfall lie at 0% throughout the day. With drivers asking for this specific change this weekend, the governing body seems to have granted their wishes, keeping in mind the probable weather conditions on track.
The wiper blades themselves came as part of a wet weather package that NASCAR implemented for cars running on road-courses as well as short-tracks in a bid to try and go racing in damp conditions.
With the probability of presipitation out of the question in Phoenix, drivers will be able to have a clearer view of the track after the removal of the same, in addition to the slight aerodynamic advantages.
Hendrick Motorsports driver and Busch Light Pole Award winner ahead of United Rentals Works United 500, Kyle Larson elaborated about his team not being a part of the January testing session at the Avondale, Arizona track and what effect that could have on the team in a pre-race press conference, and said:
"I can't speak for Cliff (Daniels) and everybody but me personally, yes I was concerned because I had heard that the lower downforce (package) hurt the Chevys more."Watch Kyle Larson take to the track from P1 for this weekend's NASCAR Cup Series race at Phoenix Raceway, slated to go live this afternoon at 3:30 pm ET.
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